
Alex Vasuthasawat, B.S.
Staff Research Associate Imaging Scientist/Animal Procedures Expert

Andrea Litwak, B.S.
Student Researcher

Andrea Sarabia
Student Researcher

Arion Hadjiouannou, Ph.D.
Professor Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology Associate Director, Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging

Isabel Day, B.S.
Research Assistant Imaging Scientist

Jeffrey Collins, B.S.
Associate Development Engineer Radiochemist

Jennifer Murphy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging

Jiho Kim, B.S.
Student Researcher

Mikayla Tamboline, B.S.
Lab Manager Imaging Scientist/Animal Procedures Expert

R. Michael van Dam, Ph.D.
Professor Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology Director, Crump Cyclotron and Radiochemistry Technology Center Associate Director, Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging